
The Age of the Cure: The future of healthcare in the 21st century

BY spectator events


March 13, 2017

6:30 pm

The IET, 2 Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL


Alastair Stewart, journalist and newscaster

Professor Tony Young, surgeon and director of innovation, NHS England. Speaking on: "How the NHS can become a Silicon Valley for health"

Professor Nazneen Rahman CBE, scientist and doctor, Institute of Cancer Research, London and Royal Marsden Hospital

Lord Andrew Lansley, former secretary of state for health

Dr Sarah Jarvis, GP and clinical director at Patient.co.uk


The Spectator hosted a lively discussion on healthcare in the 21st century with Alastair Stewart, journalist and ITN newscaster, and a special guest panel.

The rapid development of new technology is changing the way we live and how our illnesses are cured. Given our ageing population and the rise in age-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s, what role can innovation play in improving our health, as well as the NHS and society as a whole?

This panel discussion was organised by The Spectator, and initiated and funded by Pfizer Ltd.


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