No ifs. No buts. Heathrow must have a third runway

BY spectator events


November 26, 2012

6:45 pm

IET London, 2 Savoy Place, London


Andrew Neil, chairman, The Spectator Magazine Group

Graham Brady For the motion MP for Altrincham and Sale West and chair of the 1922 committee

Jon Moulton, For the motion, chair, Better Capital and founder, Alchemy Partners

Tim Yeo, For the motion, MP for South Suffolk and former chairman, the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee

Daniel Moylan, Against the motion, The Mayor of London's adviser on aviation

John Stewart, Against the motion, chair, HACAN ClearSkies Campaign group

Andy Slaughter, Against the motion, MP for Hammersmith, shadow minister for Justice


Almost everyone agrees that London and the South East need more airport capacity – especially more runways. London's airports are already overflowing, while passenger numbers grow steadily year on year. We desperately need new runways – but where and how?

A third runway at Heathrow, or an entirely new airport in the Thames Estuary? A second runway at Gatwick? Or even Stansted? Each plan has its critics and their champions, but which will bring the most benefits to the most people?

Industry specialists and political heavyweights – including Boris’s right-hand man – went head to head as they debated the most emotive of topics: the solution to London’s aviation problem.