Britain's future lies outside the EU

BY spectator events


April 16, 2013

6:30 pm

The Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4BS


Andrew Neil, chairman, The Spectator Magazine Group

Nigel Farage, For the motion, politician and broadcaster.

Patrick Minford, For the motion, economist

James Delingpole, For the motion, contributing editor, The Spectator

Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, Against the motion, president of the French Republic, 1974 – 1981

Steve Richards, Against the motion, political Commentator, The Independent

Richard Ottaway, Against the motion, chairman, the Foreign Affairs Select Committee


In January, David Cameron pledged to offer voters an in-out referendum on the EU if he wins the next election. Some think it’s the best decision he’s ever made; others think he has lost the plot. But is leaving the EU really the right path for Britain, or has Cameron made a reckless promise in a bid to win back voters from UKIP? It’s true that Norway and Switzerland manage perfectly well on their own – but could Britain really do the same?

The nation’s top Eurocrats, politicians and media figures debated this most contentious of topics: whether Britain should stay in the EU, or go it alone.


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