
An Arts Degree is a Waste of Time and Money

BY spectator events


March 4, 2014

6:30 pm

The Shaw Theatre, 100-110 Euston Rd, Kings Cross, London NW1 2AJ


Andrew Neil, chairman, The Spectator Magazine Group

Julia Hobsbawm, For the motion, founder, Editorial Intelligence

Harry Cole, For the motion, contributing editor, The Spectator

Katie Hopkins, For the motion, columnist, Sun newspaper, reality television participant

Anthony Seldon, Against the motion, political historian

Doug Richard, Against the motion, founder and CEO of School for Startups, entrepreneur, former Dragon on BBC programme 'Dragons' Den'

Will Self, Against the motion, author and journalist


What good are the arts really? In a world in which a degree is no longer a guarantee of employment, is it not more sensible for students to undertake vocational study?

Vote before the debate: 30 For, 177 Against, 52 Undecided

Vote after the debate: 36 For, 267 Against, 14 Undecided

The motion ‘An Arts Degree is a Waste of Time and Money’ was roundly defeated at our lively Spectator debate,  in which Will Self took on Katie Hopkins. Self, opposing the motion, was supported by Wellington College headmaster Anthony Seldon and Doug Richard, entrepreneur and former Dragon from BBC’s Dragon’s Den. Katie Hopkins, supporting the motion, was backed by The Spectator’s contributing editor Harry Cole and by Julia Hobsbawm, founder of Editorial Intelligence.


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