
Politicians should leave the wealthy alone- they already contribute more than their fair share

BY spectator events


April 22, 2015

6:30 pm

Milton Court, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, Silk St, London EC2Y 8DT


Andrew Neil, chairman, The Spectator Magazine Group

Fraser Nelson, editor, The Spectator

Toby Young, journalist and a cofounder, three free schools. Speaking on: "The Secret sauce of the most successful schools"

William Cash, editor-in-chief, Spear's

Owen Jones, columnist, the Guardian

Molly Scott Cato, Green MEP for the South West

Jack Monroe, author, columnist, campaigner and blogger, A Girl Called Jack


While the rich get even richer, low and middle income households are feeling the pinch. Are wealth taxes - such as the 'mansion tax' or the 50p tax - the answer? Speakers include: Fraser Nelson,Toby Youngand William Cash (for the motion); Owen Jones, Jack Monroe and Molly Scott Cato MEP (against the motion).

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Or is it economically counterproductive to squeeze the rich? In a globalised economy, the wealthy can easily move to a more hospitable country, taking their taxable income and capital with them. Since the top 1 per cent of the country already pay more than a quarter of all taxes, shouldn’t politicians leave the wealthy alone? Chaired by Andrew Neil.


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