
Is party politics broken?

BY spectator events


July 13, 2016

7:00 pm

The IET, 2 Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL


Andrew Neil, chairman, The Spectator Magazine Group

James Forsyth, political editor, The Spectator

Colleen Graffy, former US deputy assistant secretary of state

Ben Page, chief executive, Ipsos MORI

Simon Jenkins, journalist and author


Join The Spectator for a lively political discussion with an expert guest panel.

The EU referendum’s ‘Leave’ result could be the single biggest blow to global mainstream politics since the second world war.The battle has revealed a great split in Britain. How can a country – and a Conservative party – that has been bitterly divided be reunited?

As anti-establishment movements swell on both the left and the right, are we entering a new political age that will lead to a domino effect around the world? Or will the established parties manage to maintain the status quo?

Expect an evening of lively debate as The Spectator discusses the future of the political landscape in the UK and the EU after Brexit, and the implications across the Atlantic.


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