
Could cancer break the NHS?

BY spectator events


November 28, 2017

8:30 pm

The British Museum, Hugh & Catherine Stevenson Lecture Theatre, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG


Alastair Stewart, journalist and newscaster

George Freeman MP

Sarah Woolnough, executive director of policy and information, Cancer Research UK

Neil Mesher, CEO, Philips UK & Ireland

Prof Karol Sikora, founder and chief medical officer, Proton Partners International


Britons are generally living longer, healthier and happier lives. But as we grow older, more of us will have to battle long-term health conditions. One in two of us will get cancer. Is the NHS, which lags behind other countries on early screening and diagnosis, up to this monumental challenge? Or is the NHS – our so-called 'national religion' – destined for the scrapheap? Join Alastair Stewart and a special guest panel to discuss all this and more.

Speakers include:

  • George Freeman MP
  • Neil Mesher, CEO, Philips UK & Ireland
  • Prof Karol Sikora, Founder and Chief Medical Officer, Proton Partners International
  • Sarah Woolnough, Executive Director of Policy and Information, Cancer Research UK


8.30 a.m. - Registration and breakfast

9.00 a.m. - Panel discussion begins

10.00 a.m. - Coffee and networking

10.30 a.m. - Event ends

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