
The Spectator Housing Summit 2018

BY spectator events


May 17, 2018

9:00 am

Southbank Centre, Level 5 Western Pavillion, London SE1 8XX


Elizabeth Truss MP, chief secretary to the Treasury

Clive Betts MP, chair, Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee

Chris Carr, chairman, Federation Master Builders Home Builders’ Group

Natalie Elphicke, CEO, Housing and Finance Institute

Isabel Hardman, assistant editor, The Spectator

Andy Hulme, chief executive officer, head of fund, Housing Growth Partnership, Lloyds Banking Group


Please note that registration for this event will close at 9.00 a.m. on Tuesday 15 May.

The inaugural Spectator Housing Summit, chaired by Isabel Hardman, is a unique opportunity for housing professionals to discuss how government and housebuilders can work together to build more houses.

Panel discussion: Helping Britain build: how government and housebuilders can work together

The vast majority of homes have been delivered by the private sector, and unless there is a drastic (and seemingly necessary) upsurge in social provision backed with Government investment, the burden of growth will continue to be shouldered by industry.

The UK’s leading housebuilders are already investing in modern methods of construction - but a third report nationwide skills shortages. For some in the sector, the planning system encourages nimbyism and land-banking while discouraging small and medium-sized businesses from entering the market. 

This session will explore how we can unlock growth in the private sector to deliver the housing supply the UK needs – and what government should do to fulfil its promise to deliver a stepchange in the provision of affordable homes.

Speakers include:

  • Elizabeth Truss MP, chief secretary to the Treasury (Keynote speaker)
  • Clive Betts MP, chair, Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee
  • Chris Carr, chairman, Federation Master Builders Home Builders’ Group
  • Natalie Elphicke, CEO, Housing and Finance Institute
  • Isabel Hardman, assistant editor, The Spectator
  • Andy Hulme, chief executive officer, Head of Fund, Housing Growth Partnership, Lloyds Banking Group

This event is held in association with Lloyds Banking Group.