
Britain's cannabis revolution: understanding the impact

BY spectator events


May 22, 2019

2:00 pm

Ham Yard Hotel, 1 Ham Yard, London W1D 7DT


Hannah Deacon, campaigner, End Our Pain & Alfie Dingley’s mother

Jonathan Deverill, partner, corporate, DAC Beachcroft

Gregg Batterby, managing director, Europe for Althea Group Holding

Melissa Sturgess, CEO, Ananda Developments

Professor Mike Barnes, neurologist and chief medical officer, European Cannabis Holdings

Marcus Stuttard, head of UK primary markets, London Stock Exchange‍

Alastair Stewart, journalist and newscaster


All over the world, legal cannabis is big business - and Britain is no exception. Investors, patients and politicians are all caught up in the so called 'green rush' - but what is the truth behind the hype? Join The Spectator to find out.

Programme and Timings

14:00 – 14:30 Registration and refreshments

14:30 – 14:35 Welcome from chair Alastair Stewart

14:35 – 15:20 Cannabis and Healthcare

Tonia Antoniazzi MP, All-Party Parliamentary Group on Medical Cannabis under Prescription

Professor Mike Barnes, neurologist and chief medical officer, European Cannabis Holdings

Crispin Blunt, co-chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on Drug Policy Reform

Hannah Deacon, campaigner, End Our Pain & Alfie Dingley’s mother

15:20 – 16:05 Cannabis and Capital

Gregg Batterby, managing director, Europe for Althea Group Holding

Jonathan Deverill, partner, Corporate, DAC Beachcroft

Melissa Sturgess, CEO, Ananda Developments

Marcus Stuttard, head of UK Primary Markets, London Stock Exchange

16:05 – 17:00 Drinks and networking

In association with DAC Beachcroft and supported by Prohibition Partners 


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