
The learning gap

BY spectator events


March 15, 2021

10:00 am



Rt. Hon. Robert Halfon MP, chair of the Education Select Committee

Martin Finn, EVP of Global Operations, EVERFI

Anne Longfield, former Children's Commissioner for England.

Adrian Packer, CEO, CORE Education Trust

Fraser Nelson (chair)


Online learning replaced schools last year, as most children transferred from classrooms to webinars during peaks in the pandemic. While some children advanced, it’s thought that many - especially from disadvantaged backgrounds - have fallen through the cracks. As we consider how to make up for this lost time, can online learning be part of the solution? How do we bridge the gap between digital resources offered to children from different backgrounds? To what extent can life skills be taught online?

Join The Spectator's editor Fraser Nelson and our panel of guests as they discuss whether more online learning can help make up for children's lost education during the pandemic.

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