COP26 Summit: How can we reach net-zero?

BY spectator events


October 26, 2021

9:30 am



Professor Dieter Helm

Stephen Pollock, Emeritus Professor of Econometrics and Computational Statistics

Emma Pinchbeck, CEO, Energy UK

Iagan MacNeil, head of policy and communications, Smart Energy UK

Rachael Glaving, head of strategic and commercial development, EDF

Tim Loughton, MP

Rory Sutherland, vice-chairman, Ogilvy Group UK


The UK is set to host the United Nations Climate Change Conference next month. The talks will bring together thousands of delegates, including heads of state, climate experts and campaigners, to agree coordinated action to tackle climate change. But is Britain – and the rest of the world – ready to make the changes a green agenda could require? As we recover from the pandemic, is the UK’s goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050 realistic? Can nuclear power help fill the gap left by fossil fuels? And how can we encourage consumers to make sustainable choices?

Join us for a range of panel events featuring Spectator journalists, politicians and industry experts as our summit sets the agenda ahead of COP26.

Programme and Timings


Welcome and Keynote speech with Professor Dieter Helm. Chaired by Fraser Nelson.

10:00am-11:00am in partnership with EDF Energy

The nuclear option to net zero. Panel discussion with Stephen Pollock, Emma Pinchbeck, Rachael Glaving. Chaired by Kate Andrews. Sponsored by EDF Energy.

11:15am-12:15pm in partnership with Smart Energy GB

Motivating to be green. Panel discussion with Iagan MacNeil, Rory Sutherland and Bridget Williams. Chaired by Kate Andrews. Sponsored by Smart Energy GB.

12:30pm-13:30pm in partnership with EDF Energy

Daily tips for greener living. Panel discussion with Tim Loughton MP, Anne-Charlotte Mornington, Lindsay Miles and Dr Alan Whitehead. Chaired by Cindy Yu. Sponsored by EDF Energy.


Registration is free and open to all.


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