Global Britain Summit

BY spectator events


September 9, 2021

9:00 am




The government’s 'global Britain' agenda is meant to capture their international ambition after Brexit - but what does it mean in practise? How can the UK equip itself to forge this new path onthe world stage? From foreign policy and defence innovation to skills and immigration, join Andrew Neil, politicians, business leaders and journalists to discuss the future of the UK in a post-Brexit era.

Programme and Timings

9.00am- 9.20am Welcome and Keynote from from the Rt Hon Ben Wallace MP, Secretary of State for Defence. Chaired by Andrew Neil

9.20am- 9.35am Introduction from Sir Roger Carr

9.35am-10.30am Beyond Brexit: how to unlock our global potential. Sponsored by BAE Systems. Chaired by Andrew Neil

10.30am-10.45am Break

10.45am- 11.30am The future of defence: innovative technologies and evolving threats, sponsored by BAE Systems. Chaired by Kate Andrews

11.30am END

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