
Let's get fracking

BY spectator events


December 2, 2013

6:30 pm

1 Wimpole Street, London W1G 0AE


Andrew Neil, chairman, The Spectator Magazine Group

Peter Lilley, For the motion, Conservative Party politician and chairman, the Globalisation and Global Poverty policy group

Nick Grealy, For the motion, director, No Hot Air (energy consultancy), specialising in public perception and acceptance issues of shale energy worldwide

Natalie Bennett, Against the motion, leader of the Green Party

Joss Garman, Against the motion, deputy political director, Greenpeace UK

Craig Bennett, Against the motion, director of policy and campaigns, Friends of the Earth


The audience voted in favour of the motion 112:38.  

Shale gas is hailed by some as the link between finite fossil fuels and infinite renewable energy. It has been praised as environmentally friendly and economically beneficial. David Cameron promises hydraulic fracturing will create 70,000 jobs in the UK and stated that he would welcome the process near his home. However, fracking is also condemned as a toxic threat to the environment, set to send energy prices soaring. Is fracking the answer to the UK’s energy supply problems? Or will it permanently damage Britain’s attempts to become a cleaner greener land?


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