Smart money: how to use less energy and save on your bills

BY spectator events


April 28, 2023

12:00 pm

Online event


Kate Andrews, economics editor, The Spectator

Sara Higham, director of corporate affairs, Smart Energy GB

David Shipworth, professor, UCL Energy Institute

Charles Hendry, former Energy Minister / president, British Institute of Energy Economics


Many of us have seen our bills spiral in the last year, with our energy security particularly precarious this past winter. But securing our energy isn’t just about securing supply – managing demand is the other side of the equation. Could you take control of your energy usage and save money in the process? What would the future in which we’re all more thoughtful about the ways we use energy look like? Is it possible to reduce demand without compromising on your lifestyle? And how far could that go to reduce Britain’s reliance on imports?

Join The Spectator’s economics editor Kate Andrews, Smart Energy GB’s director of corporate affairs Sara Higham, Professor David Shipworth of the UCL Energy Institute, and Charles Hendry, a former energy minister and president at British Institute of Energy Economics as they discuss how you can take control of your finances when it comes to your energy bills.


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